Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Before the site kicks into full gear, let's take a sample of classic Kerr quotes from recent times...

"If Amare Stoudemire can't come back from his knee injury and be a productive player, Phoenix will be limited inside..."

comment---yes, they would be without a "true center" but it seems to me our dear Wolves made a nice playoff run without a decent center. However, whoever said Mr. Nash is afraid of driving the lane? He's not AI but he can slice and dice pretty well.

"If Thomas fails and the Knicks falter, there's no telling what the future will hold in the Big Apple. Owner James Dolan has put all of his eggs in Isiah's basket, so it's time to see some results. If not, Thomas could be gone."

comment---a quote would be nice here to indicate that Thomas was anywhere near the end of his rope. Considering that Thomas has continually fucked up the Knicks from top to bottom (spending-wise), I think Mr. Dolan must have some insane hope that Thomas is doing the right job to NOT have fired him by now. That said, if the Knicks lose their first 15 games...well...

"Dallas deserves the No. 1 ranking in the West because it knocked off the Spurs in the playoffs last season, winning Game 7 on the road"

comment---ehhhhh. wrong. they aren't the same teams. this is a new season. I know all we have to go on is last season but come on, THIS seasons' analysis and rankings has to go deeper than that.

And on a baseball note:

by the by, this is utterly stupid as well, "Jim Leyland says the Tigers aren't conceding the World Series just yet, but they must first beat the Cardinals' Jeff Suppan". completely obvious


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